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Tektronix Innovation Forum 2023

Tektronix Innovation Forum 2023

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Sign up now for access to the global technology learning series of the year! One registration provides access to multiple events. Join us on the journey of engineering the future.

Advanced Research

Применение / Индустрия

Европа, Ближний Восток и Африка




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Встроенные системы

Применение / Индустрия

Европа, Ближний Восток и Африка


Watch On Demand

On-Demand Webinar: Programmare Multimetri e SourceMeter e controllarli da remoto (Italy)

On-Demand Webinar: Programmare Multimetri e SourceMeter e controllarli da remoto (Italy)

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Questo webinar è rivolto a chi vuole programmare Multimetri e SourceMeter e controllarli da remoto, spiegando cosa usare e come. Applicativi come KickStart e ambienti di sviluppo come saranno illustrati, chiarendo quali strumenti i supportano. Parleremo delle applicazioni software che sono già disponibili, in particolare quella per usare una SMU come traccia curve, ed infine vedremo come programmare un datalogging avanzato.

Встроенные системы

Применение / Индустрия

Европа, Ближний Восток и Африка


Watch On Demand

On-Demand Webinar: Generatori di funzione di nuova generazione, come e dove utilizzarli

On-Demand Webinar: Generatori di funzione di nuova generazione, come e dove utilizzarli

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Il generatore di funzioni è uno strumento oramai indispensabile in qualsiasi laboratorio di Elettronica. 
Tektronix presenta alcune novità in ambito generatori di funzioni e relativi software di supporto.

Встроенные системы

Применение / Индустрия

Европа, Ближний Восток и Африка


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Un approccio diverso e innovativo all’analisi del dominio delle frequenza negli Oscilloscopi

On-Demand Webinar: Un approccio diverso e innovativo all’analisi del dominio delle frequenza negli Oscilloscopi (Italy)

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Presenteremo il nuovo approccio denominato "SpectrumVu" di Tektronix, di come questo si basi sulla flessibilità offerta dalla tecnologia proprietaria Flexchannel di Tektronix e di come le nuove macchine siano in grado di supportare in modo rapidissimo l'analisi multicanale.

Беспроводное и РЧ-оборудование

Применение / Индустрия

Европа, Ближний Восток и Африка


Watch On Demand

On-Demand Webinar: Impatto sonde/sistema di misura sul circuito sotto test (Italy)

On-Demand Webinar: Impatto sonde/sistema di misura sul circuito sotto test (Italy)

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Tektronix presenta alcune novità in ambito sonde che possono essere estremamente interessanti sia per chi si occupa di power integrity sia per chi si occupa di signal integrity su linee seriali ad alta velocità.

Встроенные системы

Применение / Индустрия

Европа, Ближний Восток и Африка


Watch On Demand


On-Demand Webinar: EMC Precompliance: La Guida Definitiva

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Per comprendere al meglio la differenza tra debug e pre-compliance e soprattutto per conoscere gli strumenti essenziali e necessari in una dotazione per test di precompliance.

Шум / ЭМП

Применение / Индустрия

Европа, Ближний Восток и Африка


Tek|Academy Webinars

Fundamentals of Probing

TekAcademy Webinar: Fundamentals of Probing

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Oscilloscopes are designed to faithfully measure various signal parameters, but they are only one part of the measurement system. In the means of getting the signal accurately from the device under test (DUT) to the oscilloscope input, the use of a suitable probe is essential. Even though the probe selection is the last consideration, that we usually take for granted, it vitally affects the fidelity of the entire measurement system. The result can be wrong or misleading measurements. Solely connecting a probe to a single test point can affect the behaviour of your PCB design, so that an oscilloscope would only see the distorted version of the actual signal. Thus ensuring a minimum impact on the probed circuit is imperative. In essence, the probe is the first link in the measurement chain and the fidelity relies as much on the probing as the oscilloscope.

Встроенные системы

Применение / Индустрия

Европа, Ближний Восток и Африка


Tek|Academy Webinars

Mastering MOSFET I-V Characterization

TekAcademy Webinar: Mastering latest practical solutions for MOSFET I-V characterization

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Precision DC parameters are crucial for you? A SMU is perfect choice.
Need to overcome special transitional conditions? Some models have a 1 MSa digitizing ADC for fast signal sampling (use it as an oscilloscope).
Multiple SMU channels can be utilized as a Parametric Semiconductor Test System for characterization, verification and optimization of electrical components.
Need to implement automated test scenarios in easy way? Design a complex measurement flow with data analysis using embedded Test Script Language.

Промышленные системы

Применение / Индустрия

Европа, Ближний Восток и Африка


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DPO70000SX ATI performance oscilloscope

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Got Jitter? Diagnosing Power Integrity and Signal Integrity Problems

Are the bit errors in your data caused by the power supply or sources inside the digital channel? Let's end the dispute.


SiC/GaN Components: 5 Key Tests

Learn techniques for high power characterization of Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) components.